
Content Packages

Content Marketing

Content is King as they say. Without content there is no internet. Consider the following scenario:

Your competitor and you sell the same product or service.

Two similar companies and probably two similar websites with similar content and offerings. The classic commodity trap.

Why would Google favor theirs or yours over the other? Generally, Google favors a site based on their content and the links from within the site and outside the site pointing at that content . And by the way how do you think your prospect feels about the two sites?

Most companies provide very impotent content. Meaning they  often offer a copy and paste from the manufacturers offerings in many cases. Offering no perceptible difference from their competitor websites.

How we can help you is that we help provide rich blog posts as well as rich articles for the pages of your site. Photos, photo memes (like the one above), and video. This helps you create a foundation that is better than your competitors and ripe for breaking apart and funneling from your social profiles.

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