
I found Chase Hughes as he was interviewed during the aftermath of the San Bernardino terrorist crisis. I found his website, joined his email list, bought a video lecture, then joined his Facebook Group, where I met many very talented persuaders and hypnotists. It was then that I purchased his last book. The Ellipses Manual in which I wrote a review for the back cover.

How Does James Bond Always Get Free Coffee?
Keep reading…..

Who is Chase Hughes?

He told me that he has a mission to see how far persuasion can go. So far he reports that he has not found the limit.

Chase Hughes was raised in Houston, Texas and attended a military academy before joining the U.S. Navy in 1998. While in the U.S. Navy, Chase has served aboard Naval ships and in the correctional and prisoner management departments. Chase is an author and speaker on behavior analysis, body language and behavior engineering.

Chase founded Ellipsis Behavior Laboratories in 2011 and is the creator of the Behavioral Table of Elements; the most groundbreaking behavior analysis tool of the century.

He is also the creator of other life-saving systems such as ‘The Hostile Hospital’ and ‘Tactical Psychology’. Chase frequently develops new programs for the US Government and offers his skills in training members of anti-human trafficking teams around the world.

He has published two books on human behavior and over 29 articles and papers on behavior and behavior analysis.

Chase is a regular speaker on topics ranging from brainwashing to attraction. He is internationally board certified by the Clinical Hypnotherapy Board.

Listen to the interview where he drops huge lesson bombs all over the place. This should change the way you think and operate your life.  And if you follow his advice,  then you should soon be seeing a raise in income and “luck”.

Chase deep dives on how we are socially manipulated with the help of our own DNA. And how that can give rise to truly evil authorities. And how the only way to protect ourselves from such evil is to learn how to be an authority.

I have  dropped interesting references from the talk down below.
Listen in to find out why his techniques are 30% more accurate than a polygraph.
You can listen at the audio host.
The Behavior  Table of Elements
Authority Chart

Chase’s Trip To Colgate University to Uncover Secret Buried Documents

Bystander Effect

If you cannot get enough, and want more of Chase teaching covert persuasion

Unedited Transcript snippets:

Coach Tim With Chase Hughes Influence and Authority

[0:00] I have a wonderful guest on today I,
going to end I’m going to introduce him by reading,
intro to him in his book to the Ellipsis manual it says case was raised in Houston Texas attended Military Academy before joining the military 1998.
Chase specializes in teaching Behavior profiling interrogation and psychological intelligence operations,
Chase is the creator of the behavioral table of elements for interrogation profiling,
and lie detection he also created the corrugation programming methods for government use and made the discovery that they can be applied to therapy and healing.

[0:53] Chase currently runs Ellipsis Behavior Laboratories,
in Virginia Beach Virginia the company develops new methodologies for interrogation and psychological operations for all types of clients this is sounding kind of James Bond,
welcome to the podcast how are you
what is it that you do.

[1:40] Really focused on figuring out what the limits of human persuasion are,
the limits of being able to read what’s going on inside another person’s head just by visual or auditory cue.
Every time I got better at it or I’ve developed another skill or another method the only question I could find myself trying to figure out what what’s the limit.
So I’m trying to find a wallet how far persuasion can go and what can be accomplished.

[2:16] That’s interesting because I don’t know that too many people think like that.
How far can persuasion go is an interesting question so how far can it go.

[2:29] I have not found.
We wrote the Ellipsis manual which is just two days ago hit 18-month on the number one bestseller list,
was everything I have ever learned and everything that I ever teach all in one volume and since then we’ve made some,
extremely significant in the brain and automatic,
where our next book is on that new discovery and it will it’ll be another cumulation of everything I’ve learned and anything that we’ve discovered as far as methodology,
let me tell you how I came across you I I believe you you were being interviewed about the San Bernardino.
Terrorist attack which I.
I usually don’t get drawn into these things but I was because I have family out that way and I go out there quite a bit.
Radio or TV or whatever.

[3:47] What’s the website Michael set right now.
Ellipses behavior.com.
Okay so I couldn’t remember it so I looked up your name which is a very memorable that word and I dare you where there’s a website so I start falling you in.
I think I was getting a newsletters and then I realized that you have a group on Facebook with Steven got me closer into your stuff and that’s when I really started realizing well there’s some.
New Age new level new whatever stuff going on that that you’re doing that’s beyond the typical.

[4:35] You say you put the limits in up of.
Wayson I know that to be true because.
The group and this is something that really impressed me was your willing,
to go so far as you did oh I think it was a Freedom of Information Act and you went to a college to look up a bunch of government records going back to the.
MK Ultra,
I discovered this guy at Colgate college.
Equate University in Buffalo New York.
Direct me to patients with the director of the FBI.

[5:37] I knew that there was something going on and.
Contact with his family and book and,
one of the Colgate University of myself,
coach of the university and spent several days on there and Colgate.

[6:16] And we found,
about Manchurian Candidate and his quote said that he had created multiple Manchurian Candidate,
don’t know I would have basically a person who has an alternate personality,
carry out
an order or to deliver information so,
what is the personalities of these army officer documented in letters.

[7:09] Call Alden research.

[7:12] Personality give the ultimate personality.
So if you have this guy that’s going through Enemy Lines,
other personalities not going to come out.
That is just so crazy and then this is not done like like what the 50s or 60s
dr. estabrooks work,
I remember you you have done some videos on it and there was like on some of these letters that you had their there were.

[8:27] Recognizable psychology or psychiatry.
Classes or study you know the names that were in the involved in this and so it’s pretty wild.
I’m trying to think of it I think even Milton Erickson.

[8:57] I would all course on back and forth to each other including,
a member of a lot of those to you guys that’s that’s awesome
so how far are you willing to go to see how far is your body at work up into that moment a couple years ago what is the new book about,
the Ellipsis manual is a book that a building,
basically so how to analyze it.
The first half of the book is basically a detailed explanation on how to read body language on a super advanced level.

[10:15] Multiple times.

[10:27] Panda.
After you have the ability to analyze behavior and to listen to the words you can isolate certain words that they say
to indicate a tremendous amount of information about their personality
the way that you do the skills in the next part of the book was talked about. Created
I’ll be in their best interest at the current moment,
does people think some of those decisions are not in their best interest,
intelligent work and you’re talking a foreign National,
probably probably.
Use your words in your language need to be sharp and I’m I’m the guy that developed all that stuff.
Originally for the government and now I am intellectual property right everything,
that was that was just a result of me searching for the wall searching for the capacity of human,
what are you.

[11:56] What’s the word that are you still in the military yes.
Congratulations so how do they let you,
still in the military is there a conflict.

[12:18] They’re normal

[12:34] Okay… That’s not your your main thing in the military what you’re doing I guess I was just,
you know quite a bit I work in a combat unit on the Amphibious Base year in Virginia.

[12:53] Wow okay so getting back to the Ellipsis manual.
There’s I think I read this in the Ellipsis manual where you talk about how to get free coffee.

[13:09] Starbucks.
Do you want it can you give a little bit of a clue to the listen to how they might happen the first step in and getting free coffee is to make sure that you have absolutely zero.
Doubt in your own abilities because if you do nothing’s going to happen for you.
Aside from that the first thing you would do is throw out,
that’s designed to break the autopilot responses of the employee,
it’s just a natural memorized pattern.
Like we talked about like a video game characters who are fake like fake characters in a video game they’re just kind of running script the entire time.
When a person is at work especially when they’re doing repetitive tasks throughout the day they have a large number of scripts that are running in the background on your first job.
Is the break that script and make something appear as if this environment is different than the previous ones and I need to pay attention.

[14:28] This illustrate the autopilot and if you’re driving down the road we’ve all had that experience was just going to stop paying attention and our unconscious part of our brain starts to take over.
I need a little bit,
you’re all of your focus does right in front of you because there’s something new that deviates from what your unconscious is memorized to do for you,
what kind of water in autopilot is to make that person.

[15:05] So this could take place in the form of just a random question that you know for a fact that this person does not here all the time,
certain types of questions certain accents or see certain Behavior.
What’s the weirdest customer that you guys never had on here probably no one or one person,
her entire history has ever asked that question so she has to come out of,
script mode in order to give you an answer and during the exit from her trip from her.

[15:53] One question.
Breaking somebody’s.
That’s pretty powerful in if you’re in sales or in a relationship or like me and Anna as a coach.
So they don’t have to think and then to make them focusing on you is this powerful.
Yeah she said that one method by itself is extremely powerful in the first method,
I would teach you if if you were an intelligence operative or something like that going overseas that’s still the first message even though it were talking about getting a free copy free coffee,
it’s still the first message that we would that we would teach very cool very cool and then it goes from there so then you can throw out a quick statement designed to produce,
maybe a half a second of contingent,
followed by you just basically asking for a free coffee or talking about how much time you have,
and giving.

[17:15] Basically directions,
the opposite directions to her right side you going to move towards her left side or the computer statement,
and then take up your phone to look at your phone really Northeast.

[17:46] Will see her eyes go up again to do this memory recall.
Then you can ask or then you can start the planting more emotional stuff to make her into that safe to give you free coffee.
More powerful during the confusion or did you let them kind of get their their bearings and then start saying it.
I would say as soon as you see the eye movement from when you asked which direction Northeast is.

[18:18] That is when you want to capitalize on that brain sensation so I know a lot of your listeners are not people like me as a weapon,
and not conversation is that a person is drowning,
or if a person is really insecure about where they are the first solid object you know that’s why our hands flip around,
really nervous in a swimming pool our brains work the same way our arms and legs are moving around and the first solid thing that we feel we’re going to grab it even if it’s a rose bush.
Stop drinking Fusion when the brain is confused the first piece of evidence,
with the brain to kind of hold onto will automatically.

[19:16] So basically the firewall is down yeah so you’re kind of doing a Cyber attack which is where they do like an overload I forgot what they call that,
no service I think denial-of-service.
Humans in the house you’re going to have to put that into some of your writing,
crazy that that is so amazing and a wonderful,
explanation let’s get into Authority which is the subject of your next book.
You have all kinds of new discoveries what can you share some of those.

[20:03] The influence kills me Ellipsis manual are probably I mean I would say that there’s no other book.

[20:14] That matches what would the potential is if you were to use all the methods in that book agreed agreed and building it on all of that there’s a thority.
Received over 4000 emails about their wife.
So we started digging and I have my interns do some research on Authority.
More important than influence skills or persuasion tactics,
if you try to.
It’s going to fall flat so the words are not all that important around like what are the exact words I need to say what’s the script reminds me of,
a guy who wanted to borrow Malcolm Gladwell keyboard.

[21:37] It’s like it’s like going to a.
Medical supply store buying a bunch of supplies like I just want the supplies I want to go to med school I don’t want to do any of that I just want to buy the supplies and tell everybody I’m the doctor.
That’s kind of kind of what that stuff is a lot of training.

[22:04] What how does somebody get Authority how you how do you do I just you know Baker you here fake it till I make it I’m going to walk out there and I’ll pretend I have authority and all that and Stand Tall what’s the magic Elixir them.

[22:19] So I would say if there was three different components,
and the first is the human behavior traits that are natural.

[22:36] Multifaceted scale where you stand on so you can get a better idea of what you need to work on.
Leadership gratitude and enjoyment or just being a person’s having fun with the time.
Okay okay so I meet you I don’t know anything about you.
You walk into the room and you have those traits.
Is it because in my experience as a human being.

[23:53] What your brain is doing all the time there for a sporty figure,
or for someone in any social situation someone to follow.
The first thing is going to trigger your Authority or obedience would be.
Show me how that person moves.
Second would be their appearance or someone in the crowd,
and it’s called the bystander effect and this is something.
Middle of the street in New York City.

[25:14] Really the crowd mentality In Crowd agreement of the social agreement,
call big people kind of agree,
what’s that one guy breaks and scary at the same time.
So the first thing that you would say.

[25:57] So if the guys dressed in homeless clothing you will not deviate from that social behavior,
I hope this dude.
You look really well put together next is confidence,
how confident is he in walking towards that guy that’s in the sky.
Can I get to follow his behavior so what’s that he’s walking directly towards the guy who.
Now we have confidence is confident what he’s doing,
level of interpersonal,
if the guys confidently walking towards the end in person but he’s looking around for someone to help him as if he were uncertain or unsure what he was doing boom you cancel.

[27:23] And a final final Factor here is called internalized feelings,
you’re going to be making that decision if that person produces a good internal feeling.
And we talked about like if you walked into a piano store.
Can you hit the middle key on the piano.

[27:53] Human beings are much the same way in the scientist called this exact phenomenon social coherence.
If you are you got all of this stuff with just got a haircut,
good posture walking well.
Your late on your taxes all of this shift kind of piles up and there’s a part of your brain that’s almost dedicated to reminding you that you’re irresponsible,
we’ve all had that moment there’s something there,
triggered the cords and other people’s situations for like,
final element of Authority for the tripwire.

[29:07] Amazing.
He’s looking great but in the back of his mind he’s got issues back home and he’s at a club without a social event whatever he’s at and he’s single and he’s wanting to meet the ladies.

[29:27] Is that shining through or I should say shadowing through maybe two to the lady is she feeling there’s something that’s not right is that we’re thinking.

[29:40] Absolutely,
he’s got the authorities know he’s having a good conversation but then all of a sudden something is off something is not right,
so this is what we call nonverbal leakage.
Where we going on and if you don’t have your stuff handled for lack of a better term
going to come out in your eyes your eyes,
to the point where I can make someone else not trust you or not have any faith in what you’re saying specially when it comes time to exert Authority or to take take charge in an emergency,
well then okay I’m 23 years old right out of college,
I did all the right stuff mom and dad bought me a haircut I look good,
right but I’m 23 or whatever and new in the world and my girlfriend just broke up with me and I’m going into a job interview.

[31:00] How do you how do you how do you fix that.

[31:04] There’s a lot of things going on there especially going into a job interview when when you’re in a needy state.
Fixing fixing that would mean fixing everything that’s going on in your life and there we’ve determined over 17002 so far,
feather five areas of your life that you need to get a really firm grip on and you need to do these in order and you don’t have to be perfect doesn’t have to be perfect,
time appearance social and Financial.

[31:46] So when I say environment that just means make your bed make your house clean don’t ever leave a mess don’t walk past a mess ever wash your dishes immediately,
what do your laundry right when it’s supposed to be done.
Nexus time and I don’t care what calendar system you use or whose programming is but get ahold of your calendar how you spend your time and I would say the number one thing that kills,
people success when they start trying to master their time is a signing equal weight to all tasks this is when people get overwhelmed,
I never have a Time issue visit have a priority issue.

[32:31] Don’t say prioritizing tasks is incredibly important we talk about appearance as one of the authority trip planner.
This means everything down to the how healthy you appear to be whether or not your eyes are shiny and clear.
You have a recent haircut or you look like a totally recognize the 40 figure in whatever area you were in so you just physically and Visually put together.
Got you after appearance so it’s let’s go back to beginning of environment time appearance social.
And financial so when we talk about social social part of your life I don’t care what courses use but you have to get better,
I didn’t comfortable talking to strangers and if you want to develop Authority you have to be comfortable telling a stranger what to do I remember when I teach Google mirroring and matching which is an old-timey sales technique.

[33:28] When you see somebody start to mirror your behavior and you’re doing it on purpose there’s like a feeling of guilt there at the beginning.
You’ve got to be able to get over that you have to be,
develop a genuine real interest in other people because people can smell the difference
let me ask you something to throw me this was an issue with me way way way back and I I noticed in people,
particularly probably I think that I’ve gone through heavy religion religious upbringing where.
They don’t they have a problem,
putting something on somebody without a story that you’re talking about telling somebody what to do without having complete complete trust and what.
What they’re selling I don’t know if I’m making sense,
another one I guess,
you know I’m going with this am I making sense.
Even if they don’t know the person they don’t work that person doesn’t work for them.

[34:56] And it’s all about your internal beliefs of what you deserve and what you’re capable of.
If you’re going to get back from this world exactly what you think you deserve.
Take time but you have to do physical actions to change at Walmart.

[35:23] You got the registered as a person like right behind you not buddy kind of crowds in there just turning around.
Small request.

[35:39] I’m getting used to your bestie,
and the more you do that the more confident you be the more you will be in the more confident you are bit more your beliefs are going to change what you’re capable of.

[36:02] That’s funny you say Walmart week we stopped sometimes for groceries at Walmart and I just got to go to the grocery line.
I have to make the the captor smile or laugh that’s just my role.
And made myself do that because I want to be better at talking to strangers and now they’re not strangers.
Yeah that is such a great that’s a great quality to have.
I pretty I do a very similar approach and I I mean I’ve got it all the way down to where all jokingly turn around to somebody who only has one or two items.

[36:49] And the lady will be standing behind me with like a Clif Bar at the 7-Eleven or something like that,
and then I’ll turn around
no I’ll stand in front of anybody else,
obviously a joke and people who are socially intelligent find it pretty amusing
good good oh wow wow wow wow you made me think about something.

[37:41] And then end in your talk I reminded me of practice the other day and you talk about Authority and and I kind of lost it into the word leadership as the way I kind of cat.

[37:55] But it was sort of a one of these Rudy moments,
no TV makes us all think so,
the guys cuz I cannot get my big boys The Freshman to get low enough you got to be low to play football in their lineman and so I said okay well we’re going to adult teams going to do the number of the kids
when you’re really loaded
and it’s your funeral heavy and overweight and kind of a doughboy still haven’t grown into your body it’s just stuff
God bless them he he was the last guy and everybody’s just waiting right and they’re waiting for about I don’t know 5 or 10 seconds then all the sudden,
this one kid runs out there and then join them.

[39:08] In New York City that’s what put this in my head and and so.
He starts doing the duck walk which is like molasses going forward and the team after a little bit finally,
fascinating to me of behaviors.

[39:35] It took a few seconds and then finally,
everybody say hey we should go joint,
the one guy first having the guts.
And everybody else you know the wait 5 or 10 seconds and realize I will maybe we should go join them that was I was interesting to me.
What is the authority work in that is that is that me thing to do with what you talked about.
Yeah so that’s that’s called that’s Authority as well that’s socialist Authority or what they called authority of the crown.
Social conformity.
They had nine kids in a Roma college kids and one of the kids.
Play put a really easy problem up on the board and everybody in the room would give the wrong answer.

[40:42] And then when I finally got around to this last kid who was a participant in the experiment.
They discover that he would start giving the wrong answer just cuz everyone else confirmed it we’re prone to obey social social behavior.
We see other people doing something special only see multiple people doing it hundred percent.
People who didn’t conform to social behaviors and then everybody else to get lost,
or they will get killed because their social outcast or they’re not going to be able to make with another person because their socially outcast.

[41:37] It would drive down to survival in mating that’s how hardwired social behavior is.

[41:44] Fascinating and that actually.
Trapped in the what are they called the friend trap or whatever in in trying to meet up with the opposite sex.

[42:05] I would say that’s more to men as there’s not a lot of girls to get put in the friend zone a safe 10 to 1,
that friend zone Behavior usually happens from a non aggressive male who does not display a lot of confidence and Leadership qualities,
and who just kind of nervous it’s his social intelligence.
Exhibit a mating qualities of what a female brain is triggered to respond to based on Research.

[42:38] All of this stuff is too crazy cuz it goes back to where wired this way from.
Surviving all these thousands of years right.
We haven’t developed a single new wrinkle they’re not bigger I mean we’re not doing anything different with the brain if the outside world is changing,
but we still have a 350000 year old organism controlling our bodies and it’s got some serious programming in it.
Over the course of a normal interaction we’re going to scan,
call for other people in the room that are authority figures were scanning constantly for whether or not to obey the person that’s in front of us that has so much to do with whether or not he’s basically just handle your business or not,
your listeners would have $10,000.

[43:42] For one piece of advice then 17 years of studying.
If you paid me some everything up in a single sentence it would be that the key to success in life overall.
Is just having the ability to calmly and joy everyday tasks that need to be done.

[44:05] Interesting like you said doing the laundry and the dishes and taking out the trash and.

[44:16] Call me enjoying declining that sucks that’s that’s nice.

[44:26] I want to ask you you do talked about breaking patterns is is it.
Something that I say and it’s a shortcut and I’m talking about shortcuts and what I like to say is that we as people.
Do not have to think we want shortcuts to know them so we pick programs that as you say or script so we can just get through it and not have to sink in,
until when I see like kids that I coach in football or even in a Cell situation.

[45:03] How old is another person is a certain a certain pattern.
That they’ve been through before right and feel like it at football all yesterday I did it probably 2 months now.
So that we’re doing sprints at the beginning we’re doing team stuff that usually at the end we’re doing up front and just so that they’re not ever comfortable in a in that they can just kind of go to practice,
not really having to to to be all there to be present it is such a great idea.
Yes I think it’s a fantastic idea I remember the first time I heard about this I was probably.
Starting the day off with a pattern interrupt was so.

[46:28] I think it yeah it is really contribute,
Brickleberry cool on the football mode let me ask you this this is something that,
I’ve been aware of all the years that I’ve coached and I don’t know if I have a new appreciation for the issue or maybe just some
something’s changed in me but one of the things that I’ve been very cognizant of and concerned about is.
Guys that come in with preconceived ideas of what they’re capable of.
Write that as an athlete and so.

[47:26] If I never really have been told at an early age that you know I’m a great athlete or any of those.
The things that maybe it’s great athletes ice I guess are cold as as as young kids.

[47:45] I see a lot of guys that.
I have every year I mean you have a group of guys most of them that are Star stock they’re stuck in their own ideas of their limitations and how far is far right they in the end and then there’s guys that just
for whatever reason you know the stars align they had great parents support parents or.
They realize that they can go as far as they want to go in for,
and develop their body to do that.
These guys that are you know in the average what to say to go to the next level.

[48:39] Believe in themselves and to try our eyes not try I don’t like the word that to give it a chance.

[48:49] I would definitely associate individually if you have a chance to with with the needs of of each person and figure out what the actual needs are,
and tie their success to what their needs are and as a as a Corollary.
As many metrics and as many numbers as possible to show them their progress,
you know they haven’t hit a wall yet they can still keep moving up and they’ve already been moving just it’s kind of in the fact that they can’t go anymore.
That they’ve got halfway up the mountain and they still have still have lots of room to grow.
And certainly that’s a great metaphor for us and our own jobs in.

[49:39] And our families and so on and so forth right.

[49:50] I certainly think so I do the same thing with my kids.
Can you talk about I’ve heard you talk about this the Sanford I think it was Sanford Stanley Milgram experiment is and and how that relates to Authority.

[50:12] Yeah so did that was done at Yale 1962.
Best doctor at Yale Behavioral Science social psychologist dr. Stanley Milgram.
Parents were a Jewish refugees during World War II.
How they survived think God and he was watching these.

[50:38] Were these Nazi war criminals were on trial especially the ones in and Israel are.
Would just answer.

[50:56] Yeah
dr. Milgram wanted to prove whether or not the following orders defense was real whether or not people could be made to do that just because they were obeying some kind of Authority for acting on behalf of an authority.
If you’re acting on behalf of in the story than what he calls a gentic space off the word becoming an agent,
show me agentic shift means that my I have no more responsibility for my actions that’s the responsibility of the person that’s telling me to do these things.

[51:29] Show me devices experiment put an ad in the paper that will give you 12 bucks just experience experiment.

[51:39] These people showed up and he’s told them either choose between the two straws and 150 on it,
but the guy who shows up for the experiment always draws the straw with his teacher.

[52:00] So they ask or demand a strap this guy who’s the Lerner to of shocking machine is going to deliver electric shocks as body,
they close the door and in the Next Room right beside it,
they sit this guy down his kiss painting in the table.

[52:22] Story short date,
are all the way to 450 volts followed by an xxx after that so this dude in the other room,
can use to get eighties answers wrong NH kid gets shocking.

[53:02] Show me people started protesting the guy in the other room starts banging on the wall.
The psychiatrist and psychologist to all the way to the point of death.
And 65% did.
65 why did they say that they did that they were just following.

[53:43] So this experiment to the guy in the lab coat only have four basic responses when these people would start the protest and get up and leave the room at any time.

[53:55] So this guy stocking this other guy to death he’s pounding on the walls he’s screaming,
almost the exact same results what is it that really tells you how.

[54:26] How easy it is to manipulate us human.

[54:30] Especially when authorities involved.
Influence of persuasion skills.
How likely would that guy be is using what they called back over hypnosis.

[54:54] Right you’ve got to have authority to persuade and everybody’s in the currency.
Stories is the number one ingredient lab coats horrible human being.
Authority figures that really are.
Horrible human being or or.

[55:33] Like Hitler something maybe sometimes but they have authority.
They miss you that I mean and you could see real bad abuse was Sandusky at Penn State.
That I can’t remember if it was actual rape or whatever it was but there was that went on Penn State’s football.
Was a mess for the whole program for a long time as well as the victims of it and and you see the Catholic church I guess they have a I read the other day I guess they have another.
Bunch of people that have come out that said they were victims of the priest who again are given boys specially in the in the in the Catholic Church giving incredible Authority and and respect,
and so on and so forth throughout Society how do we inoculate.
Against that I would protect our self there’s no there’s no.

[56:44] Built into our brains but.
Is probably the best way to.
Realize when it’s happening.

[57:14] Play there’s nothing funnier than a person saying or joking that they can’t be hypnotized.
Right I think that’s hilarious.

[57:29] We’re hypnotized everyday that’s what they have those commercials on TV.

[57:36] I want to ask you where we see in our day today.
Thority being used on a sin not necessarily in a bad way in a good way or maybe just,
can a neutral way do we see it happening on social media where where do we see it happening,
it happens everywhere it’s every time you let off the gas pedal as you approach a police officer parked on the side of the road are more believable when they’re better looking.
It’s when,
yeah yeah,
Orthopedics gets diagnosed with terminal cancer and they have no cancer.

[58:41] All throughout our lives
mine or Corner assassin with their Authority.
Documented isn’t it.

[59:10] There’s a really great book that was written about that called the witch in the waiting room where they investigated.
How just one comment from a figure to curse I don’t mean actual curse I just mean.

[59:30] Wow well I especially the kids especially with kids I mean there’s,
those are the kids are an open book you know still even the high school kids are just their brains are just wide open and and.
There’s so many opportunities that we have is adults as me with as a coach or or teachers to,
the poor in good stuff into them and then and let them,
know that they have the ability to be successful Owen and it really that’s why I could care less about wins and losses this I just want to give back you know.
What was given to me and an infant teacher to the kids and hopefully they’ll do the same but I just think that,
that’s the real opportunity that the teachers have where anybody that surround showed a lot of children.

[1:00:29] I really agree and I think the people that realize that amount of thority or ignore it.
It’s obviously anybody’s decision but realizing it not only helps you to avoid being called into an authority trap and helps you to remember how much a teacher a coat.
Eye doctor.
Writing down all of the factors and exposing everything.
Every every factor that your subconscious looking for every factor that triggers it,
it’s it’s mostly like a fire on their most people are going to use them for good there’s always going to be an idiot I do stupid stuff,
would you say I asked you would you say that the inoculation is becoming more authoritative.

[1:01:34] Absolutely if the more you have the less the others with less Authority could exert over you not even on how weak.
But it it’s such a fact that our our brain can be tricked and manipulated in so many different ways and it’s especially true for anybody in a position to do that.

[1:02:03] Hey Chase I appreciate all the time and I don’t want to hold you any longer when is the book coming out.

[1:02:16] Are scheduled release date is December 31st of this year.

[1:02:21] That’s exciting I’m going to get it for sure and I want to also ask you how do I get to your website again and also how do I get to the group on Facebook.

[1:02:35] Have a group on Facebook you just type in engineering Behavior.
I think it’s the first result. Com or Alexa savior.com.
What else before we go what else do you have on Deck anything exciting that’s James bondage that would.
Well we just started a brand new course that is designed to save law enforcement lives across the country called tactical behavior science.
That goes into body language deception detection interrogation and most importantly violent Behavior recognition.
And we have a 100% money back guarantee guarantee it reduction and violence and on officers and fatalities.
Are secondary guarantee is that if ever.

[1:03:39] The hell of a guarantee wow.
My goal my personal goal is to see silver adoption in officer fatalities in violence against police officers.
We’re trying to spread the word as much as we can especially about that training we’ve always got some intelligence type stuff going on but I think this is going to make us a much better in fact across America.

[1:04:08] That’s pretty neat that’s that’s a hell of a goal and end that’s a.
The dairy what’s the words it’s very inspiring that you know because the cops are just they always are on the.
The bad side of the news you know and,
being able to say they have a real difficult job I wouldn’t want to be one that’s let me put it that way before seize the day,
build Community Trust
as a police officer,
I recently I recently become friends with an ex cop.
And and I realized when I started get he wouldn’t let me take him into any stories I told.

[1:05:24] The guy won’t go into the story it’s coming,
he was trained for years not to go in because of you. He’s pulled somebody over and he’s asking something he can’t give go into trance because.
Coming out in from behind and,
I can’t imagine having to juggle that and and it’s still trained in them so that do you being able to give people these guys more resources mentally just,
the deal with this stuff is phenomenal in in done in inspiring,
I appreciate your time you you dropped this is something I know my cell I’m going to listen to,
you x l you dropped a lot of information that I think.
People listening Guitar Hero reading you for the first time are going to be amazed by so with that I look forward to the book I’ll see you online thanks thanks a lot Kim had a great time.