
How To Increase Sales by 75% TODAY!

One of the biggest frustrations I feel from my clients and consultations is that many are still married to the old notion that the internet is just one medium.

I do Google
I do Facebook
I prefer Instagram
I do fill in the blank.

Ever since 2010 or so the net started showing fissures and cracks.  No longer using the internet just to find a webpage. Now  entire niches or groups of people will hang out at Snapchat. And nowhere else. There are hundreds of these platforms and many of us have no idea that they even exist.

So the direct response days of getting away with grabbing folks from a Google post is done. It happens. But if they find you on Google. There is a very good chance they are also going look for your reviews at  Yelp.  Or a Video, or Instagram. As I have said before over and over. Your extended brand across the web matters for social proof and for SEO .

Then they may seek you out on industry specific review sites like Zillow for Realtors and RealSelf for Plastic and Cosmetic surgeons. Ever hear of Angies list?

So minimized  campaigns often will result in minimum outputs. And here is the other thing that is  a bummer. Many people out there will not let you know they are watching you. No email optin, no phone call, no like, no share.

I know this anecdotally in my own sphere of influence.

Lurking is the new Liking

I may be interested in moving. So I keep coming back to your Realtor listings pages. Or I may be thinking of doing a medical procedure and bookmark your site to come back for more reading and study.

In other words the impulse gets muddied by competition or the *Paradox of Choice. Of course you always will have prospects who follow you a long time and finally will buy- eventually.

* The Paradox of Choice, Barry Schwartz explains why too much of a good thing has proven detrimental to our psychological and emotional well-being.In fact where more is less. And because of the amount of choice we have is a decent argument to limit choice in our marketing and online for landing pages.

But unless you make sure to keep them in your wheelhouse, they can be easily persuaded or distracted  to join your competitions army if they have no loyalty towards yours. Perhaps you have experienced this frustration?

This is why it is important to not limit your marketing campaign to one concept like Twitter.

You see people are hiding behind their screens and devices.  In the case above a very strong reason to pixel them.

What is a pixel?

Meaning you remarket to them. When they visit your site from Facebook or Google as an example. They get cookied with a pixel. Now when they visit other websites. They can see your Google ad. Or even your Facebook ad.

Re-marketing or Re-targeting takes advantage of a forgotten century old marketing adage called the Rule of Seven.


So they may come to your site from a Facebook post, or a Google organic or local map position. But they get reminded or dripped your message through a re-market ad effort. Thus increasing the likelihood that their lurking still ends up in your funnel.

So that is today’s reality. Our prospects all suffer from ADD!

So what I want to give you is a way to leverage that collective ADD to your advantage!

But every once in awhile something comes along like the old days that can cause some instant buzz. And often times instant sales.

Pokemon GO!

This ap is going Viral. They already have more than the 65 million U.S. Twitter  users!

pokemon-go has more US users than Twitter

Yes in fact even Trump has leveraged the Buzz of this viral game into  his marketing.

Here is what you do and  exactly what a Pizza shop owner did to increase his sales by 75%.

Download the ap. Or have a kid help you 😉

You buy what is called a lure I think it is $10. Thats it! Then you place that lure -geo located into your store or place of business. Tons of these Pokemon geeks flocked to this guys pizza shop and of course smelled the dough and he made 75% more dough!

So how can we leverage the collective ADD of the collective?

Some possibilities that come to mind:

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  • A medical facility like a pediatric  dentist.
  • A Realtor public or broker open house
  • A restaurant
  • A clothing store


What gets me excited past more sales is the ability to generate BUZZ.

So certainly in some cases it can cause impulsive sales. In other huge publicity.

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  • Take photos
  • Press Releases-The media love viral stuff.  Its some of the few things they do that is good news anymore. And you get to be in the middle of it.
  • Pokemon themed services? Pokemon Pizza?
  • Hand Outs
  • Coupons
  • Invites  to join other social or email for coupons


Whatever you do please make sure to get them into your future contact funnel for more of your  goodness.

I am certainly not the only one talking about this. Pokemon Go Is Driving Insane Amounts of Sales at Small Local Businesses.

And just remember if you run a business too high brow to leverage this kind of thing. I promise you that there is someone in your marketplace who is not. And they will be on TV and the local rags. Sales and marketing is not for the meek;-)

So hopefully your mind is racing. This is easy publicity and for some, really easy sales. Enjoy.


As always we are available for consultation on all the subjects mentioned in this post.Call or write:
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